Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

semangat belajar yuuuuuukkkk

halo readers yang ganteng dan cantik hihihi
kembali lagi nih ya sama blogkita yang unyu unyu ini *unyu apanya i,i
oke sekarang aku mau bahas tentang belajar ya , sekarang di kelas x-4 gatau kenapa kok kayaknya jadi males belajar gini yaaa , nilainya jadi turun hiks hiks , walikelas juga udah bilang kita meskipun di tinggal sama temen temen kita ke kelas olimpiade jangan tambah loyo , seharusnya tambah rajin belajar , tapi gatau kenapa ya , sekarang kok kayak gimanaaaaaaaaaaaa gitu u,u , hehehe
oke nih guys , supaya kamu rajin belajar , karena belajar itu gak mengenal usia guys , kapan pun kita harus belajar , meskipun kita di dalam kandungan kita harus belajar *sotoy sotoy 
1.buat kelompok belajar
kamu bisa nih guys belajar bareng bareng sama temen temen kamu , biar kita bisa sharing bareng , saling mengisi lah ibaratnya , kamu dapat ilmu temenmu juga dapat ilmu , kan enak tuh? tapi ya jangan banyak banyak ya anak dalam kelompoknya , nnti gak malah belajar tapi kamu malah asik ngobrol u.u
2.bikin catatan yang menarik
kalau bikin catatan yang mnarik tuh contohnya kayak ditambahin gambar kek , dikasih spidol warna warni kek , gitu juga boleh , kalau catatannya menarik kan jadi suka dibaca trus , slain itu lebih gampang dipahami guys , kalau kayak gitu kan enak belajrnya :D
3.Jangan belajar SKS
meskpun aku juga suka sih belajar sks , soalnya males abis sih anaknya hehehe , tapi aslinya belajar yang metode kayak gini tuh malah gak baik guys , kenapa? soalnya agar otakmu seimbang juga , kalau otak kamu dipaksa buat menampung materi yang banyak , ya gak muat dong ya? makanya itu kita juga harus seimbang sama otak dan materi kita , yang baik tuh belajar setiap hari hahaha

oke guys , selamat mencoba ya ;D
minggu depan sudah UTS LHOOOOO 
sukses buat semuanya ya , thankies -@almirayo-

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

katy perry - part of me

oke agan agan yang cantik dan ganteng (agan teh artinya ap ya? hehehe)
kembali lagi ketemu saya @almirayo , nyanyanya , saya jarang nge post di blog karena gatau knapa ya alasannya apa , kehabisan ide kali ya u.u *pelajar gak kreatip
oke nih guys , aku cuma mau ngasih video nya katy perry lagunya yang terbaru , PART OF ME , yayaya , aku lihat di billboard , urutan pertamanya sih katy perry , nah aku cari di youtube videonya kok kaya gini ini ya , belum keluar kayaknya guys video klip nya , kata gue sih gitu , oke agan agan , selamat menikmati musik nya katy perry , yang satu ini :) , enjoy your day kawan kawan yang ganteng dan cantik , nb: kalau ngoment pahala nya nambah deh #alay

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Valentine suram,remaja galau

Oke balik ke topik kita guys, kemarin tanggal 14 Februari, baru aja kita ngerayain yang namanya ''Valentine" atau yang biasa kita sebut sebagai ''Hari Kasih Sayang".
Biasanya nih ya,orang yang lagi pada kasmaran pasti pada ngerayain ini. Karna banyak dari mereka yang bilang kalo ''Valentine" ini merupakan kesempatan bagus untuk mengungkapkan kasih sayang mereka kepada orang yang mereka sayang.
Tapi kalo menurut aku pribadi sih enggak juga ya,kalo menurut aku pribadi sih valentine itu sama aja kaya hari2 biasanya. Soalnya setiap hari kita kan juga bisa saling berbagi kasih sayang,bukan begitu?
Tapi itu semua cuma alibi buat nenangin diri bagi remaja seperti kami yang gak punya pacar. Soalnya kalau setiap Valentine pasti yang ada malah GALAUUUUUU!!! *penyakit anak muda jaman sekarang*
Seperti valentine tahun ini. "galau galau galau biasa aja suram suram suram" begitulah kata hati kita kalau bisa diungkapin dengan kata2.
Apalagi waktu imtaq tgl 14 Februari dikatakan kalau "Haram hukumnya untuk merayakan Valentine". Yahhhh jadinya jadi tambah suram deh tuh valentine. Haha tapi gapapa,soalnya selain suram ada juga hal yang gak disangka2 bakal terjadi di hari itu. Khuhuhu. Menarik nih untuk disimak B)
Tau gak guys, waktu tgl 14 Februari itu juga,temen kita yang bernama FEBBY/X4 resmi ditembak sama ROBY/X2, emang sih kelihatannya biasa2 aja. Ya secara cuma tembak2an dan cinta monyet anak SMA.
EIIIITS tapi tunggu dulu,ini lebih dari sekedar biasa karena Roby nembak Feby didepan kelasnya waktu Kelas X4 (kelas kita) lagi pelajaran seni dan anak2 pada lalu lalang keluar kelas.
Tiba2 Roby bilang "Bik,aku mau ngomong sesuatu." trus dia ngajak ebik kedepan kelasnya. Abis itu si roby mengeluarkan bunga mawar yang tadi dia sembunyiin di balik punggungnya trus jongkok bak pangeran yang ingin menyematkan sepatu kaca pada cinderella. Yah boleh dibilang mirip yang disinetron2 itu sih. Tapi ini asli!
Sontak sesaat setelahnya, teman2 roby yang saat itu ada diluar juga (soalnya lagi pelajaran seni juga) heboh dan berteriak2 bilang "Terima!!Terima'' dan teriakan itu diikuti oleh semua anak2 yang ada diluar pada saat itu. -Anak kelas X4&X2-
Akibatnya,anak2 yang ada disekitarnya dan ada di dalam kelas langsung berlari2 ingin melihat ada apa. Akhirnya semua anak dari kelas X2 sampa X5 keluar kelas dan melihat aksi ''Tembak-tembakan" itu.
Gak hanya itu,kakak kelas dan guru2 yang wkt itu ada di sekitar tempat itu juga menjadi saksi dari adegan romantis itu.
Kemudian Feby yang saat itu shock hanya dpat menjawab "Tolong kasih aku waktu" dan kemudian mengambil bunga itu. Dia pergi sambil menahan malu.
Haha dasar anak muda jaman sekarang, mau nembak aja sampe bikin heboh satu sekolah. GOKIL ABIS!!! ;)
Salut yah buat roby.

Oke guys,sekian buat saat ini. Bila ada kesempatan,lain kali aku akan bercerita banyak tentang hal2 menarik yang telah kualami. See you 


Thursday evenining(time)
Julie     : (Doing some homework)
            (Open a drawer)
            (Shock because she found Colin passport there!)
            # If Colin passport was in the drawer,then he couldn’t have left the country/
            (Sat down on the bed,think about what Mark Ashwood had told her)
            (She hurried downstairs,found Mark business curd on top of the fridge)
            (She called Mark)
Julie     : “This is Julie Fenton”
Mark    : “I’m glad you phoned”
Julie     :”I need to talk to you”
Mark    :”Pehaps it’s better if we meet.” “Can you come to Stratford tomorrow?”
Julie     :”Yes,how about two-thirty,if that’s ok?”
Mark    :”That’s fine.” “The address is on my card.”

            In Mark Ashwood’s House
Mark    : (Describe the accident once more)
Julie     :”Why do you think Colin had Bentley’s documenter? And why was he was driving Bentley’s car?”
Mark    :”I wish I knew”
            “I went to see Bentley’s wife. I expected her to be called Julie. I left foolish when I found that her name was Linda. And there was a man,I only saw him for a moment,belt he looked exactly like your husband.”
Julie     : “What?”
Mark    :”Well,obviously it wasn’t Colin.”
Julie     :”Then who was it?”
Mark    :”It could have been John Bentley.”
            “I’m sure that he and your husband had exchanged identities. I don’t know why.”
Julie     : - Silence-
            “There must have been a funeral.”
Mark    :”Yes,I suppose you’re right.”
Julie     : -Think-
            “This is horrible,Mark!” “I won’t rest until I’ve given Collin back his own name.”
            “Will you help me,Mark?’’
Mark    :”Yes,I’ll help you.” “Let’s go for a walk. I’ts sunny day. We can talk some more and decide what to do next.”

In the park,they sat on the bench.
Julie     :”It’s time for me to start a new life too,Mark.” “But first,I have to go and see this Linda Bentley.”
Mark    :”I’ll come with you.” “I can take you to where she lived.”
Julie     :”All right.” :But,can we go now?”
Mark    : (Looked at his watch) “Come on then.” “We’ll take my car.”

-10 days later after Julie Fenton in hospital and allowed to go home-
Julie Fenton and Mark Ashwood became a close friend cause*Mark visited her often. Julie replace her accountant,Mr Brooker and asked Mark for it.
One sunny evening in late May,Julie and Mark go to the restaurant. Mark wanted to talk to her about the future if her company.
Mark    :”I’ve been thinking about your problem with jackman’s”
Julie     :”Tell me where we went wrong?” (Slipping a glass of cold white wine)
Mark    :”I think that instead of trying to sell your software to Jackman’s and other companies like them,you should sell them licenses to use it. You could sell licences to use the software for a period of time-perhaps a year.”
Julie     :”Go on.”
Mark    :”Well,first,It’s cheaper for the client. They get the full use the product for a year for much less than the cost of buying it. Second, if you update the product if you make improvements to it - the licence will allow the client to have the new version free. They'll always have the latest software.”

Mark keep telling Julie about his idea. He sugested that Julie’s company doesn’t need an office. Because offices are expensive. Mark thought that Juile’s staff can work at home.

Julie     :” 'Mark, you're a wonderful!” (And kissed him)
Later in the Year, Mark sold his house,moved to Bath,became the director of Julie’s company and felt in love with Julie. Julie sold her house and she went to live with Mark.
            One sunny morning,seven years after Colin Fenton;s disappearance,Mark and Julie were sitting in their garden,relaxing. Mark was looking at a book and Julie was sitting next to him,reading a newspaper.
            Suddenly Julie cried,got up quickly,leaving the paper on the chair,and walked away across the garden. Mark looked up at Julie. He wondered what had made her sad. Then he noticed a photograph in the newspaper on the chair,and he knew the answer.
            Mark put the paper down. Julie walked towards him and sat down at his side. She has stopped crying now.
Julie     :’’Seven years is a long time,” she said. “A lot has happened to me - to us. What happened seven years ago broke my life into pieces. You helped me put the pieces together again. Colin's death was an accident - it was nobody's fault. But when he was cremated as John Bentley, his name was taken away from him.’’

She pointed to the photograph of the Bentleys

Julie     :”It's always worried me that I didn't know how he got involved with those people. Perhaps now I'll learn the truth. Colin will have his own name again. At last he'll be officially dead.”


Oke guuuys sebelum ngepost segala sesuatu yang udah aku ceritain tadi,aku numpang ngepost scene tgs bhs inggris ya. Ehehe, buat ketua kelompok aku yang nyebelin nih ;))
so guys kalo mau bca entri ini ya silahkan kalo enggak ya nggapapa.......:D


It was late afternoon when John Bentley lay on the bed in the back bedroom of the house in Brentwood. He and Linda were in a big trouble and he had no identity now.
He tried to imagine his future but he couldn’t find and imagine anything. Now he waiting for Linda to return. She had gone to identity the body of her husband.
John bored at his bed and decided to downstair to the kitchen and made a drink for himself. Suddenly Linda came home with carrying Colin Fenton’s suitcase.
Linda   : “ What are you doing down here?” “ Get upstairs at once!” She wishpered angrily
John     : “I’ve not made any noise Linda.” “And I’ve not turned the lights on.” John said quietly. “No one can see in.”
Linda   : “Ok,sit on the floor. We can’t take any risks.”
(Linda checked the condition outside and told John to go back upstair)
Linda started to checked Colin Fenton’s suitecase. She found clothes which Colin had been wearing when he died. She also found some clean shirts,colin’s watch and phone also his weeding rings.
Linda threw the phone and watch then exaimed the ring carefully.
Linda   : “It isn’t worth much but it’s gold.” “I’ll sell it later.”
            After she checked the suitcase again she found something.
Linda   : “The envelope was there!” (She pulled it out and counted it) “£5000 it was all there!” she shighed.
            She come upstairs to talk to her husband.
Linda   : “How are you feeling John?” She was calmer now.
John     : “I need to get out of this house soon.” “an the phone’s been ringing all day.”
Linda   : “I can believe that.”
Earlier that day,before going to identify the body,Linda had told everyone about John’s dead. She had told Frankie simpson and he told everyone that knew John. People obviously been phoning to talk to Linda about John’s accident and to sympathize with her. They had to continue with the lie now.
John     : “I’m hungry Linda,I need something to eat.”
Linda   : “You’d better get back upstairs, I’ll cook you something and bring it up to you soon.”
            John back to his bedroom and soon he heard her coming upstairs.
Linda   : “I’m going out again now.” “I’ll probably be back late.”
John     : “Where are you going?” John didn’t want to be alone again.
Linda   : “I’m going to get rid of Fenton’s car.”
            Linda looked up and down the street before she went to get it. But it was dark
outside now. The neighbours would not notice Linda driving away in a car which did not belong to her.

             Linda drove Colin's car into one of the long-stay car-parks and parked it there. It would be some time before anybody realized that the BMW had been abandoned. And nobody will realized that Colin was dead.
            The next few days were difficult for Linda. She couldn't stop visitors coming to the house. John had to stay inside his room. He felt like a trapped animal. He kept his gun in a drawer beside the bed. And sometimes, he took the gun out and held it in his hand.

            Then it was the day of the funeral. The body was going to be cremated. Linda told everxone that that was what her husband had wanted. The funeral took place at a crematorium near Brentwood.

            When Linda arrived home after the cremation, she went upstairs to see how John was. She opened the door of the back bedroom. It was dark in the room, but Linda could just see her husband. He was pointing his gun at her.

John     : “I've had enough of this, Linda,” he said angrily. “I can't stay here any more. You've made me a prisoner.”
Linda   : “You're not a prisoner, John,” she said calmly, as though talking to a child. She moved closer to him. “We're in this together, John. We both have to be strong.”
John     : “'It's madness!” John said, sitting up. He was staring at Linda, furious with her. “This whole plan is madness! It'll never work.”

Linda touched him gently on the arm. He pushed her hand away violently.

John     : “Why have you done this to me?” he said “'You've taken my life away from me. I'm trapped.”
Linda   : “John,” she said softly, “we've got to be patient. We need to wait just a couple of weeks, that's all. Then we'll do the robbery and we'll get away. No one will ever find us. And we'll have all the money we could want. Two more weeks and we'll be free John. We'll be free forever.”
John     : “I don't believe it.Ҁ� Said him quietly.
Linda   : “You have to believe it, John,” Linda said. It's true.”

            Then linda sat besides him and took the gun from his hand.

Linda   : “'Listen, John - in a few days' time, I'll go back to work But I'm going to tell Mr Rose that I'll be leaving my job. I'll tell him I can't live here alone, without my husband. I'll tell him I'm going back to Scotland. Just before I leave the shop, you'll do the robbery as we planned. Now that you're officially dead your alibi is even better than before, isn't it? John Bentley can't rob shops - he's a dead man! It's the best possible alibi! And I'll only have to behave normally at work for a few days after the robbery.”

Suddenly Linda smiled.

Linda:  “I'm sorry John, my love,' she said. 'I know this is very difficult for you. Look,it’s dark now. Let’s go out for a couple of hours. We'll go for a drink and a meal. We'll go somewhere where nobody knows us.”

            John realized that he had no choice but to agree to his wife's plan for the robbery. In a small village, just south of Saffron Walden, they stopped for a drink and a meal in an old pub. They weren't worried that anybody would know them there. Linda put her hand on her husband’s arm.

Linda   : “'Just a few weeks more, John,” she said again. “Then we'll be free.”

Setelah sekian lama.......

Woyeee bloggers, halo setelah sekian lama gak ngepost, kini ami balik lagi buat ngepost segala sesuatunya.Ehehe,
ada segudang topiks yang mau ami omongin nih.
Mulai dari Cresta,persiapannya,meet and great bareng saint loco,waktu kita keliling buat ngejajain tiket cresta,pak isdah yang udah lama gak muncul di sekolah yang ternyata lagi cuti nikahannya selama 2 bulan ''moga langgeng sampe kakek nenek ya pak,moga cepet dikasi momongan juga. moga bisa jadi keluarga yang sakinah,mawadah,warohmah :D'' itu wish kita buat bapak.hehe,
oke lanjut yang tadi,kita juga bakal bahas valentine kelam kita, gak lupa juga acara tembak2an temen kita yang bikin heboh satu sekolah.
so guys terus tunggu update dari kita yah! ;))))))))

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

ini dila yang ngepost

Haiiii ;)
Sebenernya gatau mau ngepost apa -__-
Yang penting kita berdoa aja semoga blog ini dapet nilai yang bagus dari bapak kita tercinta Pak Isdah.
Ayo kita foto bareng :DD
Biar blog ini ada fotonya :DD

Oh iya sekedar ngomong aja,bentar lagi kan ada acara CRESTA 15....
yah semoga acara ini bisa sukses supaya para panitia ga rugi AMIN :D
Buat semuanya mohon dukungan dan kerja samanya ya dalam mensukseskan acara ini. 
Oke bye bye :D

NB : buat anggotaku,ini aku uda ngepost wakakakakak

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